CCA Pine Log Cladding, Square Cladding and Shiplap by Timber Mouldings
Standard Sizes :
- Log and Square Cladding 16mm x 100mm – from 1.2m to 3m lengths (increments of 300mm)
- Log and Square Cladding 22mm x 100mm – from 1.2m to 3m lengths (increments of 300mm)
- Shiplap 22mm x 140mm – Shiplap from 1.2m to 3m lengths (increments of 300mm)
- Log and Square Cladding 33mm x 100mm – 1.2m to 3m lengths (increments of 300mm) – longer lengths on special order
- Half log cladding or Shiplap 33mm x 140mm – Half log cladding or Shiplap 1.2m to 3m lengths (increments of 300mm) – longer lengths on special order
CCA Treated:
Our Cladding and Shiplap is CCA treated to hazard class H3, which is a treatment against termites, woodborer attack and fungal decay, suitable for exterior, above ground applications. This treatment is done in accordance with SANS457 and SANS1288 and overseen by SATAS (South African Technical Auditing Services). For more information on treatment of timber please visit
- Exterior and interior cladding for timber frame houses
- Log cabins
- Wendy houses
- Division walls
- Dog kennels
- And many more